Saturday, July 11, 2009

Today's Run and the Few "Todays" Remaining

0600PDT 23.45n, 148.12W, Wind: 15 knots @ 045, Barometer: 1017, Cloud Cover: 85 percent (broken - and getting to be a broken record too!) Sea: 3 feet, 24 hrs SOC: 219 nm, DTF: 554 nm.

If we had a sailor onboard "Miked Up" I bet we would learn that the winds got a bit lighter this morning ruining their chance at a record days pace. Even still they are getting down the track.

You correspondent predicts some stronger Trades this afternoon and evening followed by some more normal conditions on Sunday and then the big finale, run down the Molokai, in brisk Land effect Trade Winds.

Which brings us to that time in the race when we try to get a closer estimate on their ETA. As you know Cap't Billy has the 1800HST slot in the Finish Pool. Unfortunately for him, all things hanging together on the boat and present forecasts come true, it now appears likely that they will arrive earlier than this.

At this point things look good for a daylight finish which includes the fantastic ride down the Molokai Channel in enhanced Trade Winds.

My current best guess is a 100 mile report at 0400HST Monday. Arrival off Diamond Head at 1402:45.


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