Dear Plan Bees,
Here is a distinguished entry into the ETA Pool tonight it comes from Evil’s Mom.
She says:
>>>>>Hi Capt Billy
Thanks for all the emails keeping us up to date. We are checking the race site every hour just after the hour.
As near as I can figure out all the stats are in PDT so
Take care
Evil’s Mom (aka Verna)<<<<<
I thought I had captured the essence of it but apparently some of the feeling of the message was not preserved with my paraphrase so here below is the complete message intact as received from the Matriarch of the Evil Dynasty:
Hi Capt Billy
Thanks for all the emails keeping us up to date. We are checking the race
site every hour just after the hour.
As near as I can figure out all the stats are in PDT so my guess for their
arrival is 00:48 PDT on the 14th which I guess would be 21:48 HST on the
Take care
Evil's Mom (aka Verna)
So as you can see at least I got the time and Evil's Mom parts right!
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