Friday, July 10, 2009

High Excitement on the High Seas!

I have been away with work all day and so this report (in its entirety below) from the boat rather jumped right out at me!

July 10th 2009 at 1038PDT:

The boys are abuzz up top now. Shortly after rollcall this morning they realized that they should be able to almost see J-World from here. So Chuggy, on the helm at the time looked up and there she was about a mile in front of us. Giddy with excitement they set to work to reel in the catch and we have come up on the boat very quickly. Discussion now circles on whether we have in fact captured our dockmates or whether perhaps we have encountered a cruiser in the Pacific, unlikely, but possible. A more definitive answer on that before we finish this note.
So last night we a good one for us. As part of a 236 CMG day we had some new members of the 20 mile club. While Web and I remain with personal top speeds of 19.2 and 19.6 respectively Ross and Chuggy our newly defined A Team scored high with runs through a squall each of over 20 knots.
The boat runs well, now light on food it fairly dances across the water. My favorite feeling is when the wind is strong enough to pull the the boat UP the waves. This is always the precursor to a fairly delightful ride down not one, but several waves sometimes lasting minutes or more. As Evil says, the boat is sailing its little heart out for us.
Back to our new neighbour must 200 metres away now. We have confirmed that the boat has the same dark blue hull as J-World but this boat is flying a genoa headsail downwind so that leaves us with some doubt? Hopefully all is well aboard J-World this morning.... Now to get to work on the 15 hours or so that we owe them?
Over and out,


Again I left all the grammatical and typographical errors intact because I am just so jealous not to be out there living this dream with them.

You just can not script this stuff. And the way they are going it turns out there is a real horse race going on.

I will put together the detailed post tomorrow hopefully along with some continued good news from the beautiful Pacific Ocean.

Initially I took the 1800 HST, Monday, estimated finish time slot in the arrival pool. At the time mostly that was just to give them some hope while the wallowed in the nothing out there. At there continued pace it now seems I did not give them enough credit for squeezing a little bit of performance out of the Pocket Sled!

Pick your finish time slot by comment below and win a nice prize off SoCal Ben's Desk!

Cap't Billy

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