Tuesday, June 23, 2009

*****Hacker Blogger Alert*****

OK Captain Billy here just checking to see if I can actually get on this Blog to post because I will be updating those Bloggees who might check in here periodically. I will return to the picture above in a moment.
I can see that DCB, in some circles known as Barkmulch, has been providing boring coverage so far.

However your new correspondent is in touch with the Narrow Escapers - some less narrow than others - Plan Bees - daily - so check back here regularly and I will give you the real low down - complete with some colour and flavour!

Questions I get from the LBC usually begin with "what were you thinking when. . ."

And so begins some careful and sensitive splainin by yours truly about some complicated and delicate but absolutely necessary onboard system mostly far beyond the scope of the new onsite installers understanding. In spite of that they often prevail and meet with success.

I have just sent the Electronics Tech Support Team a note about setting up the computer/instruments interface so that they will be able to display Targets/Polars and Angles developed by the Computer on deck. Only it's been so long since I concerned myself with such things I can only barely remember how to get started with it. I expect that will be the subject of one of tomorrows telecon.

On another subject I want to spend a little time now on stowage space - or the lack thereof. Space onboard is always at a premium on the Narrow Plan B. The Badger will tell you that a tidy Dart is a happy Dart. So coming up with a storage plan and making sure everything gets put back where it belongs so that everyone else can find it again is paramount..

A picture is worth a thousand words. The one above, from the last crossing, is intended as a guide to assist the onboard team when it comes to carefully arranging items in an orderly way!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Captain Billy! We all got checked out on the watermaker this morning. All appears well on that front. After watermaker class we all went separate ways to do a little shopping. By early afternoon we got out sailing again.

    A couple of setbacks today though as we exploded a jib car with the #3 in about 25 knots. The first job tomorrow is to pick up a new jib car (and a spare) which should let us get back out on the water.

    I think that we have decided to get some help from Long Beach Electronics to get the radio working. We will see what tomorrow brings.

