Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Game On!

This picture from the front page of www.sailinganarchy.com Sailing Anarchy shows our contestants charging for the start line and looking good. Photo credit John Fuller (but when I asked John if I could use it here he said it wasn't his and thought it might be Tim Fuller) . I hope it will be OK.

According to the transponders they got through the first night at sea in good shape but we, and most of the rest of Div 6 too, did not update at 0800 so I am waiting with "worms in my mouth" (baited breath) for the 0900 update as well as the first official daily check-in information.

And speaking of Transponders I am now informed that they will update hourly for the first part of the race (?) and then shift to every 4 hours - too bad because I feel like I am right with them on the hourly schedule.


1 comment:

  1. we are all watching...this is very exciting!!!and if Greg gets to be the cook...we think he can even make "SideKicks" taste gourmet !!!!
