49.11N, 123.59W Wind 17 @ 270, Bar 1020, Cloud Cover 10 percent. Distance from Finish 2332NM.
My reporting has been neglected and I need to get to work closing down (closure of?) the Plan B Blog.
I have not wanted to use bandwidth while waiting for Notice of my Pulitzer Prize but after a month and still nothing I need to resign myself to the obvious - passed over - again!
While our team celebrated being back on land, and among their loved ones in paradise, those of us still on duty at Plan B World Headquarters were sweating out the corrected time results still at play with the Hounds still at sea.
It was frustrating for us because of reporting delays originating at Transpac.
But as most of you know now, and unfortunately for our team, the Hounds managed a narrow (get it) margin of victory.
All of the shorebound team join with the Race Crew in congratulating them on a fine race.
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