On the Trailer in the backyard of Chuggy's new Office.
As chance would have it I found myself on the Duke Point Highway, among the Ferry Traffic, around 2230 on Tuesday Night. As I proceeded I came upon a strange contraption making it's way down the highway and it took a minute before I realized that it was Chuggy with Narrow Escape in Tow completing the final leg of their 2009 Transpac journey. Remember in April of this year they did not have a boat! With how much got done before their start date, in the short time after the buying decision was made, it might better be described as an epic!
I remember the way I felt after completing the 2003 Transpac in the Baby Dart. A terrific amount of work and sacrifice goes into putting a boat from Nanaimo on the starting line in Long Beach.
So for me the time after the finish in Waikiki was also a time filled with emotion measuring the experience and estimating the value of fulfilling a lifelong dream.
Some of you might be surprised to know that the extent of my Ocean endeavours in the future was far from certain for a while after the race. But about a month after completing the race - back home - the momentum started to grow and it became clear to me how much I looked forward to getting out there, in the company of good friends, again.
So I am not be surprised to hear the race crew express how they have quenched their ocean racing thirst (except for Roscoe he would head back out there again tomorrow).
As time goes the power of the experience and the wonder of the ocean grows in our memories. So while no one is talking about it much right now I will be surprised if we don't find each of our race crew back out there on that ocean again seeking victory on the course and harmony with their world.
Since I wasn't out there this time it is a lot easier for me to become nostalgic about their accomplishment and look forward to my turn again - coming soon.
And having had a major hand in putting that little ocean crossing package together in the first place I find it satisfying that it has now crossed that stretch of ocean three times with almost no breakdowns or even wear and tear. On the other hand that might just be testament to the proper execution of a good design!
Narrow Escape is a 1982 model year. I bought the boat in 1992 so even though I don't know the boat's entire history after all my blood, sweat and tears that went into its renovation and in consideration of all the memories the crew and I have made on board it is also pretty exciting to have the Baby back in, what I will always consider, it's home port.
No one knows what the future holds and Team Narrow Escape's plans remain fluid at this time. But with the same degree of certitude that the sailors ocean racing careers are not yet over I am pretty sure that Plan B/Narrow Escape/Baby Dart has many more crossings left in her.
Racing across an ocean among friends is a life enhancing experience and anyone who gets a chance should take it. Talking about it, reliving it or planning the next time are all part of the joy of it.
Chuggy is hosting an informal debriefing reception at his new office at 2214 McCullough Road, immediately off Northfield Road, in Nanaimo commencing around 1600 today. We will have some beers and maybe order in some Pizza.
Captain Chuggy says: "the More the Merrier". I hope he means it because he knows not how vast and wide my Plan B Blog audience is!
The boat will be on hand for tours.
Anyone with an interest is welcome. I hope you will stop by, introduce yourself and share your ideas.
Shaping our future ocean racing endeavours begins tonight and we have many and great plans to form!
End Transpac 2009
Blogmeister, Cap't Billy- Out.